The Unknown Known (2013) In his latest film, The Unknown Known, Morris explores the long political history and the worldview of Donald Rumsfeld, as the two-time former secretary of defense himself describes it. Through dozens of hours of interview footage and thousands of Rumsfeld's memos (many of which have never before been released), Morris puts on display the dizzying, Carrollian illogic used by members of the Bush administration to justify war in Iraq. Presented by RADIUS-TWC, HISTORY FILMS, PARTICIPANT MEDIA In Association with SKY ATLANTIC A MOXIE PICTURES Production Produced & Directed by...ERROL MORRIS Produced by...ROBERT FERNANDEZ, AMANDA BRANSON-GILL Executive Producers...DIRK HOOGSTRA, JULIAN P. HOBBS, MOLLY THOMPSON, JEFF SKOLL, DIANE WEYERMAN, TOM QUINN, JASON JANEGO, JOSH BRAUN, CELIA TAYLOR, ANGUS WALL, JULIA SHEEHAN Co-Producer...ANN PETRONE Edited by...STEVEN HATHAWAY Director of Photography...ROBERT CHAPPELL Production Designers...TED BAFALOUKOS, JEREMY LANDMAN Music by...DANNY ELFMAN |