This election has finally pushed me over the edge. I have decided to blog.
I appeared on FOX yesterday to talk about the "switcher" ads and to show one of them, Kim Mecklenburg's Boots.
There is always a danger in appearing on FOX. Who knows what's going to happen?
Well, here's what did happen.
On the network of the fair and balanced.
Two "Hollywood" directors (or, so they said) — David Zucker and me — were invited to appear. Zucker had just directed a commercial for the Republicans.
It's a commercial right out of the Karl Rove play-book. Some voice-over guy saying over and over again: he's a flip-flopper. He flip-flopped on Iraq. He flip-flopped on home security. He flip-flopped on support for the military. Blah, blah, blah.
So, they showed the Zucker spot. The studio audience burst into applause.
Then they showed the Mecklenburg spot. Boos. Hissing.
I commented: "It's really nice to see such an unbiased audience."
I was assured by the moderator that this was completely "accidental". There just happened to be a pro-Bush audience that day on FOX.
Yeah, right.
And then, later in the day, I stumbled on a quote from Rupert Murdoch —
"It's full of Democrats and Republicans, the others only have Democrats. We don't take any position at all," Mr. Murdoch said this in response to a question about Fox's impartiality. "We're not in the least bit biased, we're a fair and balanced company."
Can there be any doubt that I must have been mistaken? That FOX really is unbiased?